Structure and Governance
Research Members
Resources, Related Networks and Funding Opportunities
Research Membership
Affiliate Membership
Events & Webinars
Past Events
Archive of Webinar Recordings
Violent Extremism Risk Assessment Conference
AVERT Commentary
AVERT Research Symposium 2021
Structure and Governance
Research Members
Resources, Related Networks and Funding Opportunities
Research Membership
Affiliate Membership
Events & Webinars
Past Events
Archive of Webinar Recordings
Violent Extremism Risk Assessment Conference
AVERT Commentary
AVERT Research Symposium 2021
Research Member Application Form
First Name
Last Name
Department and/or Institution
Your current role at your institution
Country where based
Telephone number
Highest academic qualification
Are you
A university-based researcher
An organisationally-based researcher (e.g. at a think tank, NGO, community or government agency)?
An independent (non-university or organisationally affiliated) researcher?
A postgraduate/higher degree by research student (e.g. studying for a doctoral or Masters research degree)?
If 'other', please describe:
What are up to 5 keywords most commonly associated with your AVERT-focused research expertise?
Add more as necessary
Please list up to 5 competitive or commissioned research grants you have held over the last 5 years relevant to the focus of AVERT
Add more as necessary
Please tick one or more of the boxes below regarding your main interests in joining AVERT
To expand my collegial networks with other AVERT-focused researchers
To expand my opportunities for research partnerships with community and/or government and or/academic individuals and groups
To learn more about AVERT-focused research and engagement across different disciplines
To locate research resources relevant to my AVERT-based interests
To better profile my research outputs on AVERT-related topics
To seek colleagues for joint publications, funding bids or project development
To stay abreast of new and forthcoming publications, funding opportunities, jobs and events such as conferences, seminars and symposia in the focus area of AVERT
To contribute to dialogue and debate on key issues in researching AVERT-based topics through participation in seminars, conferences, symposia and other events
If other, please describe:
Please list up to 5 current or recent research collaborations you’ve had with other academic, community or government partners in an area of AVERT focus
Please list up to five recent research publications in the areas of AVERT focus *
Thank you!